Battle with the Big Girl

Journey beginning with Tony F and ending who knows where

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st Weigh In

Well my 1st weigh in is over.... drum roll please..... I lost 3.7kgs! and 3cms off my waist. Not too shabby considering I weighed in a day early.

I'm not gonna elaborate too much 2nite cause I'm craving chocolate right now..... so ciao for now!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Its hard

Day 6
Wow, can't believe I've made it this far. Its been hard at times and easy at others. I'm finding it really easy to resist food in public, like shopping or at work, but when I'm home its different. After tea is the hardest time. Like right now I'm craving toast and vegimite something chronic. Its so hard making the kids milk for bedtime too cause often I'd make myself one too. Its hard too cuz I dont feel like I have a strong enough goal. My first mini goal is to lose 5kgs. If I do that, I get to reward myself. My big goal is 20kgs. I figure average 5kgs lost a month, it should take me around 4 months. 4 months. November. By Ruby's birthday I want to be 100kgs. What a sad sad goal. LOL
Gawsh how sad and pathetic do I sound... talk about pessimism! Time to be more positive I think. I gotta work it cause this programme costs LOTS! Tony Ferguson isnt as cheap as I'd like... its about $40 a week! For my family that buys all the meat we eat in a week. I need to stay with this and make it worthwhile! Time to get serious.
BTW weigh in day is wednesday!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Day 3 = YAY for ME!

Ok, So I'm now on day three and so far I've stuck to the plan! I'm so proud cause I usually cave in a day into the diet (sometimes the same day).

Today I went to training, and as usual they had yummy cake and bikkies... nice smelling coffee and everything..... I DIDNT EAT ANY! YAY for ME! Instead of lunch there I had a nice salad from subway with low fat dressing. I think that should've been ok. JD said to me "Have you lost weight?" dont think I would've after only three days but gee it made me feel good.

So far Tony Ferguson rocks LOL

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Programme - BMI >40

Just a reminder to myself of what I need to be eating every day -

1. Breakfast - 1 shake
2. Morning tea - allowable fruit
3. Lunch - salad plus 1 serve of protein
4. Afternoon tea - shake
5. Snack - allowable fruit
6. Dinner - 3 cups veg plus 1 serve protein

Other allowed snacks - diet jelly, extra veggies, sugarfree lollies (5 per day)

Follow this until you are 112kgs, then reduce protein by 1 serve (lunch protein)

I'll update what I ate today after dinner.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Do I want to look like this forever?

My Journey on the Tony Ferguson Weightloss Program
Date: 8th August 2006
Weight: 120.8 Kgs
Height: 123cms
Oh my god. I stepped on the scales and saw that figure and immediately thought "It cant be that bad... can it? My scales at home must be right, they only show 117kgs." Then I realise what I'm thinking. How is 117kgs better than 120.8? Both numbers mean I'm fat. Hugely grossly fat. and I'm only 26.
Day one is tomorrow, I'm all set up... got my shakes, booklet and everything I need. I'm going on a week by week basis, with a weekly aim of 1.5 - 2kgs loss every week.
Hopefully this journal will keep me honest, even if it is only with myself.
The diet seems so easy... how hard can it be? I already know the answer to that one... if it was that easy there'd be no fat people in the world.
Wish me luck, self.... I'm gonna need it!