Battle with the Big Girl

Journey beginning with Tony F and ending who knows where

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Horizons

Ok, so as we may or may not know Tony F has now died. Not literally, just for me. We lost a days paid work and frankly I'd rather keep NickJr for the kids than buy meal suppliments for myself.

In saying this it has become my goal to drop 1 size before my birthday (25th Feb) so its on baby! Pre-kids I was a size 14-16 now its so scary its unmentionable! Lets just say I'll NEVER be that small again... I just want to be happy in clothes that fit! I seem to be really in between sizes at home, and its anyones guess what size I'll end up in when buying new stuff.

I just want to be happier with my weight. I'm so happy with myself as a person now I feel like I can concentrate on my eating habits... and I am an emotional eater (as much as that sounds like a cop out) its like oooh its cold and wintery today lets eat lots of stew and potato and bread. Oh I'm sad today, better eat a block of chocolate. Oooh congratulations I did something wonderful, lets celebrate with a big dinner, and some chocolate. Hello tight jeans!

wish me luck!